When to Break Up With Your Property Manager

Property management companies are hired to handle the day-to-day operations of properties and offer resources and expertise that owners often cannot provide themselves. Their goal is to to lease properties quickly and ensure tenant satisfaction throughout the lease term to increase the likelihood of renewal thereby reducing churn, which has a heavy impact on ROI. However, if your property management company fails to meet your expectations, it might be time to consider switching to a more effective provider. Here are 5 reasons why you might decide to break up with your current property manager:

  1. Unresponsiveness: Your property manager should be easily reachable and responsive to your needs as the property owner. If you encounter difficulty in getting a hold of them or receiving timely and accurate responses to your inquiries, it may be a sign that they are not prioritizing your property’s management adequately. At Luna Property Management Group, we endeavor to respond to all inquiries no more than 1 business day and often answer and resolve issues within 2 hours.
  2. Failure to Embrace Technology: In today’s digital age, property management should leverage technology to streamline processes and enhance tenant experience. If your property manager is not utilizing online rent payment systems, providing owner access to financial statements, or employing effective digital marketing strategies, then they may be falling behind industry standards. At Luna Property Management Group, we leverage the latest platforms to provide the highest quality of service and keep costs down.
  3. Poor Tenant Screening: The success of your rental property hinges on having reliable and responsible tenants. If your property manager consistently places tenants who cause problems or fail to pay rent on time, it can lead to significant headaches and financial losses for you as the owner. At Luna Property Management Group, we have a tenant replacement guarantee to provide comfort in knowing our interests are aligned with out clients and tenants.
  4. Tenant Dissatisfaction: Happy tenants are essential for maintaining a successful rental property. If your property manager neglects tenant needs, delays maintenance requests, or fails to address concerns promptly, it can result in tenant dissatisfaction and turnover, ultimately impacting your property’s profitability. At Luna Property Management Group, tenants have direct access to us and we make visits to ensure satisfaction instead of just having contractors handle all the visits.
  5. Hidden Fees and Overcharging: Transparent and fair pricing is crucial when working with a property management company. If you discover hidden fees, excessive charges for routine services, or a lack of clarity in billing practices, it may indicate that your current manager is prioritizing their profits over your best interests. At Luna Property Management Group, owners can log in to their portal and view all leases and maintenance bills at any time.

If you find yourself experiencing any of these issues with your current property manager, it may be time to explore alternative options. Conduct thorough research and interview potential management companies to ensure you find a partner that aligns with your goals and priorities as a property owner. Remember, finding the right fit is essential when selecting a property management provider that will effectively safeguard your investment and maximize returns.